Reference: B. Kose. Toprak İlimleri Kürsüsü, Ankara, “Docomomo –Tr, Türkiye Mimarlıgında Modernizmin Yerel Açılımları VIII Bildiri Kitapçıgı”, Mersin, Aralık, 2011.

Department of Soil Science Building is within the campus of Ankara University, Faculty of Agriculture which locates in Diskapi, Ankara. The building is designed by the architect Ziya Tanali and completed between the years of 1972 and 1976. It is a typical 20th century building, with its mass relations, façade and plan organization. Besides, it is one of the important examples among other buildings which are designed in the same era, with architect’s design attitude and architectural approach towards the building.
Department of Soil Science Building is a two storey building and has a symmetrical plan schema. On the ground floor, there are two classrooms on both side of the entrance. Research and student labs locate on another floor, which is half storey higher than the ground floor. Research and student labs have a systematic and flexible design which allows spatial partitions. These two labs are symmetrically planned which are divided by common technical units but also connected by the corridors in between. Student and research labs are lighted with the openings on the roof.
There are instructor rooms, library, museum and service spaces on the first floor, which is half storey higher than the labs. The corridor at this storey also get light from the openings on the roof as it is in the labs whereas instructor rooms are lightens from the ribbon windows on the facade.
Today some technical HVAC problems are detected in the building. Users stated that due to economic and technological inadequacy, the heating system proposed by the architect cannot be operated. In addition to this, architect indicates that the proposed isolation and roof construction details are not applied during the construction of the building. The main reason of the later interventions such as the construction of a pitched roof arises from these problems. The building designed with detailed lighting considerations. The openings on the roof are totally covered with pitch roof application which prevents light coming from the roof which is specially designed for lighting purpose. With covering the openings on the roof, new windows located on the façade that effects façade organization and artificial lighting is heavily used in the building.
Architect Ziya Tanali’s specific design manner and his mass and plan organization, which is formed by international-rational style gives building an important space among others in the context of its era. The building is a typical example of its era and Ziya Tanali’s architectural approach. Despite later alterations in the building, it still preserves specific characteristics and used with its original function today.
1. Onur, Z. (2010). Ziya Tanalı. Ankara: TMMOB Mimarlar Odası Yayınları.
2. Ziya Tanalı, personal communication, November 18, 201.
3. Prof. Dr. Sadık Usta, personal communication, November16, 2011.