Sivrihisar is a town located in the central Anatolia in Turkey. The history of the town dates back to 6th century. In the 19th century, during the Ottoman Period, Sivrihisar became a trade center and construction activities were accelerated. Respectively, lots of monumental buildings were constructed and urban fabric was formed. Today, Sivrihisar is still a Traditional Urban Settlement with promising potentials and various preservation problems in various scales.
The project was to prepare a preservation and management plan for Sivrihisar Traditional Urban Settlement having various preservation problems in various scales.
While preparing the “Sivrihisar Conservation and Management Plan”, a comprehensive interdisciplinary study both in macro and micro scales was conducted by total of fifteen students from different disciplines (eleven architects, two interior architects and one urban designer). The project was mainly consisting of following phases:
-The definition of general characteristics of Sivrihisar; survey and analysis of the physical, social, economic and visual characteristics of the site in different scales;
Assessment of architectural and environmental values, problems and potentials; principles of interventions both in site and building scales;
-Decisions for conservation, rehabilitation and re-functioning of buildings according to intervention necessities;
-Preparation of ‘Conservation Management Plan’ by defining the conservation, rehabilitation and development decisions, stages of implementation, roles and responsibilities, financial sources and organization scheme
-Development of design proposals in different scales for problem defined areas within the historic tissue.
FALL 2009-2010
Group Project I Project Team:
Prof. Dr. Neriman Sahin Guchan I Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ayse Guliz Bilgin Altinoz I RA Pınar Aykaç I D. Avcı I E. S. Ayhan I M. Dinler I O. T. Ekmekçi I D. Fidan I B. Köse I Ö. Özçakır I F. Öztürk I F. Solmaz I A. E. Sudan I O. Sürmelihindi I M. Simsek I I. Teker I H. Tumce I H. Yesilyurt
Design Proposal for Armenian District and Surrounding:
B. Kose I O. Ozcakir I I. Teker I O. Surmelihindi

Design Proposal: Project Area

Design Proposal: Evaluation of Project Area

Original Use of Ground Floors / GIS

Design Proposal: Project Area